Thursday, April 18, 2013

AutoCAD 2011 Shortcut Keys

AutoCAD 2011 Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys
AutoCAD has dozens of predefined shortcut keys and key combinations 
to perform various operations and functions. The  [Ctrl], [Alt], and [Shift]   keys, 
together  with  keyboard  letter  keys,  provide  an  alternate  method  of  entering 
tools, displaying palettes, and toggling modes and functions. The function keys 
([F ] through [F ]) and other keys on the keyboard are also used in shortcuts.
[Ctrl] Key Combinations
Key    Combination            Action
[Ctrl]+0  Clean Screen (toggle)
[Ctrl]+   Properties palette (toggle)
[Ctrl]+   DesignCenter (toggle)
[Ctrl]+3  Tool Palettes (toggle)
[Ctrl]+4  Sheet Set Manager (toggle)
[Ctrl]+6  dbConnect Manager (toggle)
[Ctrl]+7  Markup Set Manager (toggle)
[Ctrl]+8  QuickCalc (toggle)
[Ctrl]+9  Command line (toggle)
[Ctrl]+A  Select all
[Ctrl]+B  Snap mode (toggle)
[Ctrl]+C  COPYCLIP tool (copies objects to the clipboard)
[Ctrl]+D  Dynamic UCS (toggle)
[Ctrl]+E  Crosshairs in isoplane positions left/top/right (toggle)
[Ctrl]+F  Osnap mode (toggle)
[Ctrl]+G  Grid mode
[Ctrl]+I  Coordinate display (toggle)
[Ctrl]+K  HYPERLINK tool
[Ctrl]+L  Ortho mode (toggle)
[Ctrl]+N  NEW tool
Key    Combination            Action
[Ctrl]+O  OPEN tool
[Ctrl]+P  PLOT (print) tool
[Ctrl]+Q  QUIT (EXIT) tool
[Ctrl]+R  Change active viewport (toggle)
[Ctrl]+S  SAVE tool
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+C  Copy with Base Point
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+H  HIDEPALETTES tool (toggle)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+P  Quick Properties (toggle)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+S  SAVEAS tool
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+V  Paste as Block
[Ctrl]+V  PASTECLIP tool (pastes objects from the clipboard)
[Ctrl]+X  CUTCLIP tool (cuts objects and places them on the clipboard)
[Ctrl]+Y  REDO tool
[Ctrl]+Z  UNDO tool
Function Keys
Function    Key        Action
[F ]  HELP tool
[F ]  Displays the text window (toggles text window and graphics window)
[F3]  Object snap (toggle)
[F4]  Tablet mode (toggle)
[F5]  Isoplane mode (toggle)
[F6]  Dynamic UCS (toggle)
[F7]  Grid mode (toggle)
[F8]  Ortho mode (toggle)
[F9]  Snap mode (toggle)
[F 0]  Polar mode (toggle)
[F ]  Object snap tracking (toggle)
[F ]  Dynamic input (toggle)
 [↑] [←] [↓] [→]  The arrow keys move the cursor through the text one position in the 
direction indicated by the arrow.
[Home]  Moves the cursor to the start of the current line.
[End]  Moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
[Delete]  Deletes the character immediately to the right of the cursor.
[Backspace]  Deletes the character immediately to the left of the cursor.
[Enter]  Ends the current paragraph, starting a new one on the next line.
[Page Up]  Moves the cursor position up to 28 rows up (toward the beginning of the 
text object).
[Page Down]  Moves the cursor position up to 28 rows down (toward the end of the 
text object).
[Shift]+[→]  Selects text. Increases the selection by one character at a time.
[Shift]+[←]  Deselects text. Decreases the selection by one character at a time.
[Shift]+[↑]  Selects text. Increases the selection by one line at a time.
[Shift]+[↓]  Deselects text. Decreases the selection by one line at a time.
[Esc]  Closes the text editor and loses any changes made.
[Ctrl]+[Backspace]         Deletes the word immediately to the left of the cursor.
[Ctrl]+[Page Up]  Moves the cursor to the top of the currently visible page of text.
[Ctrl]+[Page Down]        Moves the cursor to the bottom of the currently visible page of text.
[Ctrl]+[Home]  Moves the cursor to the beginning of the first line of text.
[Ctrl]+[End]  Moves the cursor to the end of the last line of text.
[Ctrl]+[→]  Moves the cursor one word forward.
[Ctrl]+[←]  Moves the cursor one word backward.
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[→]  Selects text. Increases the selection by one word at a time.
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[←]  Selects text. Decreases the selection by one word at a time.

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